This Method Will Get 99% Of Your Prospects to Read Every Message You Send Them
Today’s marketing landscape is defined by fierce competition for attention. Whether you’re making YouTube videos, TikTok shorts, LinkedIn articles, or Twitter copies, catching and keeping the attention of potential clients is becoming increasingly important for any business brand to succeed. And, with all the new competition, it’s also getting harder.
There is an unexpected method that will get almost all of your prospects to read whatever message you send them in full, and it is simpler than you might imagine.
The Secret Method for Engagement
As it turns out, in a world filled with all manner of digital communications, sending a good old-fashioned handwritten physical letter will make you stand out far above anyone else. Most people’s physical mail remains empty nowadays, so getting a physical letter can feel like a novelty, ironically, let alone a handwritten letter.
But how could I possibly send a handwritten message to all of my prospects? You may ask, and the answer might astound you even more. You can get robots to write handwritten letters for you en masse.
Does this sound crazy? Well, it is. So much so that it is the base idea for one of the fastest-growing companies in America, Simply Noted.
Why You Should Get Robots to Write You Letters
As it has been noted, handwritten letters are so uncommon nowadays that they stand out from any other method of communication. They feel more personal and thought out than any other messaging format you could think of.
But why should you get robots to write them for you? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the written letter?
The reality is that, in today’s fast-moving world, not everyone has the time to sit down to write a letter by hand, let alone do so for every single one of the people they care about, whether it’s friends, family members, or potential business partners.
The robots at Simply Noted don’t just write handwritten letters with your desired message and tone, they can do so reliably and on scale. You can also customize their handwriting to make it feel more personal and appropriate for each occasion and recipient.
Engage Your Potential Clients and Partners
The base for any business is engagement. Getting people to know, interact and identify your brand is an important baseline for growth and success.
Handwritten letters are just one among many forms of engagement and marketing strategies you can apply in today’s world, which should be used in conduction with other methods of reaching out in order to get the best possible results.
You can start learning the best strategies for marketing, digital commerce, and sales, as well as understand the mindset that drives successful entrepreneurs by tuning in to the High Voltage Business Builders podcast, where you may listen to a full conversation with the CEO and founder of Simply Noted, Rick Elmore.